Person Holding Fountain Pen
Close up of Cursive Handwriting
Notebook with Vintage Photos and Camera
A Pen for Writing


Literary Magazine

Bayard Rustin High School


Creative 3D Painting
Scrabble Tiles Near a Typewriter


"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words"

~ Robert Frost

HEROES (for fred and i)

Kaiden Carlson

A hero.

But who truly is a hero?

Is a hero a zodiac like Leo?

Or is it someone made of steel?

Or a tower of answers that cannot be revealed?

Until peak climax--

It just seems surreal.

I sit across from my two

The two that spawn that word

We are in a quiet limbo

Of a white and pure church steeple

As I ponder a question

“What truly is a hero?”

Am I, myself, a hero?

I don’t really think so.

My grandfather however

Has earned that title so

He has kind eyes

A sharp but fading mind

That makes me feel so happy

And at home- it’s kinda fly.

He taught me how to gamble

He inspired me to draw

Now I only scrawl

for all projects soon to fall.

Silhouette of Man Standing on White Background


Jace Salera

If hope is the light at the end of the tunnel

What happens when your tunnel caves in

What happens when the bridges you built, the farms you’ve grown

The homes you’ve kept, the culture you’ve breathed, the village you’ve raised fade away

Burn to the ground, disappear never found

Get shot through the heart, been doomed from the start,

Turn to dust, but try you must

To find the hope

If when you say goodbye you expect never to see a new day rise

as the bullets fly, and the bodies lie on the ground on which you pound

and scream at the top of your lungs “I’ll fight!”

Standing as one we vow to bar none

because now more than ever we unite here together

Through trials and tribulations we confirm the belief

that a new day will come

A day without soldiers reaping the masses

A day without spreading your loved ones ashes

A time without war a moment without gore

One more second with the people you love


Gayatri Venkatesan

Fed forkfuls of tragedy,

Numb to both applause and jeers,

Flaunting an absent-minded internal monologue

While basking in a dreamless sleep disguised as development hell.

Whose mind is a makeshift heart,

Plagued by delightful eccentricities,

Unanticipated laughter and eloquent ramblings,

Threatening to fall asleep while chilling blood in the driver's seat.

A thankless, thoughtless taker

Whose diagnosis is undefeated monotony,

The buzzkill extraordinaire of a screwball comedy,

Intrepid in the pursuit of lies, arrogance, and counterfeit vulnerability.

Lying just to start conversations,

Bound to respect everyone by respecting all poets

Since love and loss have shared custody of their sanity,

Making it rich by scooping out every last coin in the water fountain.

The rise and rise of remorse,

Damning brazen emotions while

Throwing euphemism after euphemism at the world,

Daring to overestimate another's self worth time and time again.

Cherishing icy glares and

Flaunting a lack of inhibition as though

It were skin made of classroom construction paper

While penning a grievous ode to the nonconformists of myth.

After all, apologies are forged in the

Smithy of false reassurance and halved hearts

For those who mindlessly expect a casual response when

Asking strangers if they'd rather die this very instant or live forever.

Fulfillment doesn't last forever,

Determined to evolve into the unattainable

Or an unrehearsed trip to an early grave engraved by

Black humor intertwined within joie de vivre and hypocrisy's debate.

Who fears being typecast as

An emotionless stump of potential or

The one who curses with words that cannot be spells.

And is caught in an ever luminescent back and forth with the universe.

The welder of gullibility and dirty realism

Destined to set the blueprint for spiritlessness,

Clarifying the passions behind every grin and grimace

Because delusion and illusion never were and never will be one and the same.


Kaiden Carlson

This isn’t what I want.

It’s not what I need.

Dancing in my room is a sin I suffer to be

And somehow when I think of it I want to dance with you.

I can’t express it to you, you hide your heart and I respect it but dear

My feelings on you are made complexities like Picasso shattered

pieces and I hope my heart can’t replicate that

I hope it doesn’t, but I’ll let it be if it’s you

It started as a glance or two and now we talk quite often

And I refuse to think it’s love because that would be a shame

But loving like this is a slow burning complex

Like thick wood that can’t be burnt

But can you burn through me?

Maybe you have, maybe you are aware

But that smile and way you stare makes me think you’re as oblivious

as I am to my feelings and maybe being acquaintances is all we will

have with each other

But I won’t mind, only if it’s for you.


Amber Duncan

Falling like leaves on a tree

Autumn colors surround me

Leaving my past to join the preset

Learning to live with incandescent

Imagery of liveliness from grounds of death

Naught of what died but what gives breath

Going, falling renewed in a new beginning


Jake DeMarco

There’s many types

Rap, country, hip-hop

Classical, metal, rock

Someone takes some words

They make a beat

Put ‘em together, it’s a song

But it’s not that simple-

Music isn’t just words, it’s not just a beat

It’s a form of art, I suppose

With melodical prose

That’ll get you up off your feet

And out of your seat

But it’s not just a rat-a-tat-tat

It’s deeper than that

We gotta give it respect

It’s a way to connect

So no, it ain’t just some lame rhyme

It’s a culture, a creation

Of a beautiful nation

In which belonging, you will find.

Old Cassette Tape

The pictures I’ve brought up have established something with me

The places I slot into in the minds of peers I know

Or love

Grant me some kind of a realistic dream I feel I must live up to.

While being a congratulating king of congruence to these images

I find myself more lonely than I’d like

I hate being social

I can’t do it normally

No one reaches out so I swim on my own

And while being alone is nice, I have too much time with that

In drafting to craft a staff of realism

A poem designed to entice people’s eyes

I blind and bind myself to my lacking abilities

Because although I can’t speak I can rhyme

And while I can’t rhyme I do really try

Try to configure a sign to realize it’s not time

Go to the bathroom

And clean off the clown mask

You made for yourself because you are lonely

Why are we all so lonely?


Kaiden Carlson

Man in Black Jacket Standing on the Seashore

Why do I feel so lonely?

I search for relatability but it’s locked with keys unseen

Buried beneath a labyrinth of WIPs and secrets kept deep

Behind the curtains of feigned originality it suffocates

Me, we, everyone

In being given a creative writing assignment I have single handedly made it sad and self aware

Because if i see a creative writing case with guidelines

I think of an angel who is chained to the ground but forced to fly to heaven

Wings scream out


But nobody can see,

That lone angel who was stripped of the warm freedom

Of this case

In this case

It’s poetry

Made lonely.

So I got a class announcement on Monday,

And of course I wanted to procrastinate

Not to elaborate, and certainly not to poem.

Pardon me though,

I find myself in class repeating in a toe loop low

Up down up down, raise your hand, class clown

Push up and past The bleak and gray and

Now I'm stuck in chemistry

To write chemical equations quizzically

While I hear no one caring behind me

I feel the student body grow tired and weary

But hallway crushes can’t even help you see

But anyways, onto the subject matter

Grow on past the plans I sit at desks and make poems

Some will be great comedies while others stoop in silence

Creeping sadness we can’t speak of


Kaiden Carlson

But wait, we can’t say that stuff with our peers

Refocus and align Kaiden find a new subject

A passion or craft can combine into a story I find fine

But other people crafting insecurities renders me fearful to tell them

And while civil rights talk is alright to write

I don’t wanna be barked at

And love is too cliche’ to conjure up into its purest poetic form

So what do I do?

A parody of a parody?

How about a poem of a poem?

Or the process of a poem coming into its own creation?

Nah, that’s a bad idea.

Close Up Shot of a Book


Nadia Angelucci

A tree

old and wise,

That’s what they say.

The beautiful winds

brushing through leaves of legends

in synchromatic waves

perfectly in tune,

That’s what they say.

A tree

bruised and burned

They can’t see.

the raging fire

burning branches of tales

in chaotic rhythms

perfectly out of tune.

They can’t see.

A tree


always watching.

Watching the beautiful faces

turn to burning fires.

Watching the smiles frown,

and hope lost.

Always watching.

A tree


always hoping.

Hoping for that single bright light

to change the burning world

from something they can’t see, to something they can.

Hands Reaching Each Other


Emily Bitner

I always held a shield

Between me and you.

Protecting you

From me

What hit the shield

Fell in a jar

Jars stacked

Filling my chest

Breaking me down

Breaking but still

Holding the shield

For you

But you promised,

Promised that you

were safe.

You would be safe.

I put my shield

An inch too low

Just because

You wanted to see

You promised the

Cracks weren’t

because of me

That it didn't hurt

I watched as

The cracks spread

Tears in my eyes

Trying to reach out

They took you away

Mixing these cracks

With self made ones

Trying to slow the pain

You had to survive.

I am so sorry

Because my love,

What were you to do?

The cracks were’t

Yours to bear.

This wasn't your

Pain to have.

Maybe you would

Be happy, be safe

If it weren't for the glimpse

That I allowed


Amber Duncan

It settles on everything,

It drowns sound with its eerie quietness

It’s eerie stillness

It's a void of nothing in every way

Its mist sprinkles the ground,

It scatters your thoughts

It focuses you like never before

What is this compound

I’ve never felt the extremity of fog

It settled low and blocked out everything I knew

It ate at me when I was defenseless

I was lost in it I felt like I drowned


Caroline Rendell

For want of a break, the momentum was lost

For want of momentum, the pencil was dropped

For want of the pencil, the words were forgotten

For want of the words, the essay was lost

For want of the essay, the project was failed

For want of the project, the grade was lost

For want of the grade, the semester was lost

For want of the semester, the year was lost

For want of the year, the drive was lost

For want of the drive, the diploma was lost

For want of the diploma, the opportunity was lost

For want of the opportunity, the job was lost

For want of the job, the money was lost

For want of the money, the marriage was lost

For want of the marriage, the children were lost

For want of the children, the joy was lost

For want of the joy, the friendships were lost

For want of the friendships, the will was lost

For want of the will, the life was lost

All for the want of a break.


Emily Bitner

I'm not a rose or daisy

They say i'm a weed

Who would let any flower

into my garden

They say I would show

My roots to anyone

And that one day a seed

left by nameless flower

Will grow a sprout

That will ruin my life

For a small taste

of another’s sweet pollen

I think I'm a fern

I have neither seeds

nor flowers

Not colorful

Or remarkable

Trying to heal others

Wilting away because

those I thought were roses

were poison ivy

Leaving red patches

That itch and hurt

Overgrowing in my garden

Leaving no trace I was ever there

How can I let someone

Into my garden

When I can't get the itches


How can i let someone

Into my garden

When it is no longer

Controlled by me

How can I show my roots

to anyone

When I'm afraid

to look at them myself

Maybe this fern is a weed

Whos to say what a weed is

As far as I know

I fit the description


Rylin Sage Bresset

Dear addiction, How have you been my old friend?

It’s been years since I’ve heard from you. Or maybe a couple of weeks.

I'm so delighted that every now and again you'll knock on my door and see if I want to go for a little…trip,

And because your so fascinating, and because you have me wrapped around your finger,

Of course I am going to say yes,

I mean what's the worst that could happen,

But little did I know that you would have other plans in store,

You bought me some gifts, which i do appreciate a lot,

But it happened to be just a little bit of pot.

We went to the old house, on the corner of destruction and doom,

Ya know the place we used to visit once a week or maybe two.

I see all my supporters standing there, including you.

They're all looking at you, with glazed over eyes, thinking you would never appear again

I guess they forgot this game you play where you attach us to a chain.

You have a way of popping up and taking charge,

Like a puppet show for you to enjoy.

Your power is undeniable, I'll give you that, but you have a way to always slap me in the back,

And pull me back down to where my old friend hangs,

A place I told myself and you, I would never go again.

You make my lungs feel heavy, and my head hang low,

My eyes get hazy, and I feel like I’m going crazy

Hands in Handcuffs on Sky Background

I hope that I'm floating, but you have a scheme up your sleeve,

You start with the attacks, making everything go black,

And my mind starts spinning and rolling around till it is laying onto the ground

It's as if I've fallen into a lake and ya know almost drowned.

My dear old friend, how you have been with me through my hardest times,

And I know you will be with me throughout my lifetime,

You’ve taken everything from me and consume my thoughts,

You’ve honestly made me very distraught,

You’ve made me feel like I'm “water under the bridge”

You’ve made me feel like I should just jump off a ridge,

I get it,

I do,

I mean we’ve been friends for so long,

But I think you have this friendship all wrong.

It’s time I say goodbye again,

But don't worry,

I’ll be craving your presence in about a week's time,

We have a type of bond that anyone that has met you would understand.

I love the way you make me feel and I could never let that go,

For you have been the only friend that doesn’t make me psycho.

So for now my dear friend, I have to bid you goodbye,

But don't you worry,

It was quite the ride.


Amber Duncan

The atmosphere is full of stars

They shine bright in the moonlit sky

And are hidden in daylight.

Outside when its sunny i think of them so high

Hidden by the sun, raw beauty in disguise

This ugly world blinded by the power

These little stars give

To the sun.

Sometimes I feel like sunshine stars

Holding all the power in my hands

But hiding under other peoples power being unable

To use my creations,

My dreams,

Make a good impact on the world

Make people see how much of an impact I can make

So I am the sunshine star-

I beautiful inside not on the out

I’m unseen

I’m powerful

I can make an impact.


Jace Orsini

My way of life is to run

I pour my heart and soul into it

I take off running to the sound of the gun

I was once in a very dark pit

Till running showed me light

I am grateful for my discovery of running

If I hadn’t have found it

Then I would not have all the friends I have today

Thank you running

For getting me through all my hardships

I have one thing left to say

Just keep running

Remember me, remember you

(for patience and elisha stigora)

Amber Duncan

They are going


And I am afraid

I'm scared to be lonely

What if I'm forgotten

Time whisked you away

Time torn you away from me

Curse time!

It goes too fast

When you're gone, what will I do?

Who will remember you

And who will remember me?

Nobody will care

Everyone will forget

Your life was too short

You were gone in a flash

Lost in the wind

And time won't stop

Time is looking, searching for me!

And I, I will soon be found

Then I will be gone too.

Then what?

What happens next?

Will we be forgotten?

History won't tell of us

Unless we do something greater

Greater, as in greater than everything

Anything, anyone else has done

But not everyone can be a saint,

a cynic, a perfectionist, a hero

Which is why some people live

And are remembered

While others die

And are forgotten

I can’t change how the world sees me

But I can try to show the world how good I am

Even then

Knowledge and wisdom of the world

Won't help people to see me

As who I am

And who am I to question

The standards of this world

Does everyone get their fair share?

This life we are living is so unjust

Some live others die

But for what?

What good does this do?

So I ask again and again

Who will be remembered?

Me? You?

Will I be remembered for writing this poem?

About how time whisked you away?

About how this life is unjust?

About how some are remembered

And some aren't?

About life and death?

Probably not.

Because people do greater things than this

You can check when I’m dead

Because I would like to be remembered

I'm writing this in 2021

When I’m only 15

Sitting in an empty hallway

While seniors are flying away

My cousins are flying away

My friends are flying away

Nobody will be left

I will be lonely

And time isn’t my friend

And it's not yours

Because who will be remembered,

I will be remembered

And so will my friends.

Vintage Picture of Wooden Chair


  • a Spanish poetic form
  • a 10-line verse that is structured in measurement segments that unravels a train of thought
  • iambic with a rhyme scheme of AA BB CC CDDC
  • the first six lines alternate between tetrameter and dimeter, the next three lines are tetrameter, and the final line consists of lines 2, 4, and 6 in a row
White and Brown Book Page

Should I keep going now?

I vow;

I can’t quite quit just yet,


The pressure keeps on mounting,


I’m near-drowning in work,

I just can’t promise this,

My time just goes amiss,

I vow; forget counting.

Sevan Sinton

I strive but hit a wall -

I fall.

I wallow in the burn

then learn

to wipe tears from my eyes,

to rise,

and seek the biggest prize:

the knowledge that I can

become my biggest fan.

I fall, then learn to rise.

Mrs. Turley

My head is full of rot.

Do not,

Worry away or fret.


The days worth by moon,

So soon.

The human mind’s lampoon.

Hollowed out like a tree,

What is the long term fee?

Do not forget so soon.

Sarah Dutton

Rain falls quickly as clouds cry.

The sky.

Lightning flash like jagged scars,

And stars

Shine above it all so bright,


As fire against the night.

Fiery hope and flame collide

Behind the fluffy clouds worldwide,

The sky and stars alight.

Bridget Casey

I fall for them so fast.

The last

Time was just to cry.

Thing I

Fell for I really want now,

Need now.

Loving is easy, start

To heal a broken heart.

Mend just to fall apart.

The last thing I need now

Preston Hoyle

I stand in the morning:


Bees land on pale flowers,

Birds scour,

The weeping willow tree

‘Fore me,

All at home by the sea.

I read my worn out book,

Flipping the page I look.

Soaring birds scour ‘fore me.

Savannah Butler

Fireflies trapped in jars

The stars

The loud planes interrupt

Light up

Such a breathtaking sight

The night

Come watch the stars tonight

Soft chatter fills the air

They all look up to stare

The stars light up the night.

Sara Kouibaa


  • a Japanese poetic form
  • consists of three lines with a total of 17 syllables: five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five syllables in the third line

The beautiful sky

Welcomes the bright golden sun

Like a baking loaf

Sara Kouibaa

Autumn is coming

Pumpkins, apples, and scarecrows

Crisp weather is here

Zoey Zimmerman

Leaves crunch, under trees

Foot step, tripped on a lump

“Ow!” What could it be?

Annaliese Schreiber

After a rainstorm,

The pavement full of brown curves

A worm rendezvous

Sarah Dutton

Fish dive into waves

Near my house by the seaside

Calming lapping waves

Savannah Butler


  • a Japanese poetic form
  • consists of three lines with a total of 17 syllables (timing units known as "morae"): five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five syllables in the third line
  • often centered upon matters of human nature in an contemplative, ironic, and musing manner
Close-Up Photo Of Book Pages

At the climax of

battle, the soldiers stop and

stare for a moment

Sevan Sinton

She smiles fondly

Watching him pace around the room

Waiting for the truth

Sara Kouibaa

At the peak of our

childhood, we are happy

But then we grow up

Zoey Zimmerman


Children running, blind to the

problems they will face.

Savannah Butler


  • a Japanese poetic form
  • traditionally written as 31 syllables in a single unbroken line
  • in English poetry, the form consists of five lines with a total of 31 syllables: five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, five syllables in the third line, seven syllables in the fourth line, and seven syllables in the fifth line
White Printer Paper on Brown Textile

He kept on running,

from who, what, where, when, or why?

Past the old, wood barn,

and up on the gravel path,

broken memories of his.

Sevan Sinton

The super cute boy

With the devious smile

Taught me that love is

The foundation of your life

Euphoric and intimate

Zoey Zimmerman

Grid of slinking cars.

Numb pedestrians hustle.

The city below

moving, alive and breathless,

unaware of the moonlight.

Mrs. Turley


  • a Spanish poetic form
  • a "shadorma" is a six-line stanza, also known as a sestet
  • a poem may consist of one stanza, or be a series of shadormas
  • each stanza has a total of 26 syllables: three syllables in the first line, five syllables in the second line, three syllables in the third line, three syllables in the fourth line, seven syllables in the fifth line, and five syllables in the sixth line
Person Holding White Paper Near Clear Glass Vase

Rain ruins

plans we made last night

while talking

and dreaming

of moving out and living

in our own place soon.

Instead we

sit inside thinking,



we might not be good roommates,

too stubborn to love.

Mrs. Turley

He likes to

Lie to his parents


To tell the

Truth of his false hearted tales

In a web of lies

Zoey Zimmerman

Stone towers

overlook the dry,

barren field,

tall grasses

swaying in the ruthless wind

of the approaching


The surrounding plants


with ivy

vines scaling up the cracking

cobblestone fortress.

Bridget Casey

Clouds roll by,

We train together.

Our blades touch

With a “clash”.

In the overgrown garden,

She laughs happily.

“I’m doing

Good, aren’t I?” she asks

With a smile.

Her cute smile.

“Of course, princess, you’re stunning.”

She blushes madly.

Savannah Butler


  • a French poetic form
  • composed of stanzas of five lines (thus is also known as a "quintain" or "quintet")
  • consists of 22 syllables: two syllables in the first line, four syllables in the second line, six syllables in the third line, eight syllables in the fourth line, and two syllables in the fifth line

Road trip

with windows down,

wings spread like birds, no bounds,

driving through farm, desert, city,



for a new place to settle down,

leave memories behind,

grow roots, find hope.

Fresh start.

Mrs. Turley

The queen.

She awaits me.

Would she die without me?

I must save her majesty, but

I won’t.

Savannah Butler

We walk

With hand in hand

Darting eyes, anxiety rise

Sweaty palms, squeeze one, squeeze two, I’m In love

Annaliese Schreiber

From two

Lovers lost between the lines from

One to one another.

No longer two

But one.

Preston Hoyle


Bridget Casey

The snow

swirls around in

spirals of sparkling dust.

Ice sprouts from her steps like eager


She walks

along the bank

of the river, frozen

over from the recent blizzard.

She stares.

No sound

comes from her steps,

only frigid winds

that erupt from her long, white cape.


She says,

her focus not

leaving the icy sand.

Her voice was soft, like snow falling

from clouds.

I stare,

not saying a

word. She turns to my spot

behind the old sycamore trees,

and leaves.

Her cloak

billows behind

her, like strong winter winds.

The snow swirled and her figure was

now gone.

Leafless Trees on Snow Covered Ground Under Blue Sky
Bunch Of Small Flowers On A Book


  • a French poetic form
  • composed of nineteen lines, with five three-line stanzas (known as tercets) and a final quatrain
  • the first and third lines of the first stanza repeat alternately in the following stanzas
  • the first and third lines function as the refrain lines which form the final couplet in the quatrain
  • often written in iambic pentameter and follow an ABA rhyme scheme

I cannot see nor hear aught anymore.

I’m stumbling through the garden blindly.

I sense danger. I’m lost forevermore.

A small breeze sends a shiver to my core.

This, here, is how I die: resignedly.

I cannot see nor hear aught anymore.

I don’t hear her coming, her nor the four.

They lift me up, treating my wounds kindly.

I sense danger. I’m lost forevermore.

The world fades, but soon warmth is my sweet cure.

Wind rattles the paned glass violently,

I cannot see nor hear aught anymore.

I don’t hear her mutely open the door,

With my blind eyes I don’t see how she stares.

I sense danger but I’m lost forevermore.

She stands, watching in silence, my amour.

Oh, how, right now, I really hope she cares.

I cannot see nor hear anymore.

I sense danger. I’m lost forevermore.

Savannah Butler

Clock ticking, striking midnight,

Now it’s go time,

Landscape glowing from the moonlight,

Door opens, creaking slight,

Hearing bells chime,

Clock ticking, striking midnight,

He knows what he’s doing isn’t right,

As he scampers about, hoping he makes it on time,

Landscape glowing from the moonlight,

If he gets caught he’ll be in quite a plight,

But for now, he’s in his prime,

Clock ticking, striking midnight,

Clock ticking, striking midnight,

Landscape glowing from the moonlight.

Sevan Sinton


Bridget Casey

The sky was covered in one fluffy cloud,

the silver of her silk as bright as light,

the seamstress sewed before the engrossed crowd.

Of her work she was so very proud,

her works of rose gold, purple, blue, and white.

The sky was covered in one fluffy cloud,

and rain had started, thunder ringing loud.

Lightning struck, yet as the sky alight,

the seamstress sewed before the engrossed crowd

The storm went on, but people gathered ‘round,

the swirling winds raged with no end in sight,

The sky was covered in one fluffy cloud,

The sky was covered in one fluffy cloud,

the seamstress sewed before the engrossed crowd.

Blue Sky with Cloud Closeup

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